When musicians go it alone and depart on a solo project, it usually means that they've been doing
theircurrent thing for quite a while and have garnered a ton of recognition, maybe a handful of hit songs on the radio, and they just want to do something new and different. In Zach Jones' case, he has been part of a successful indie band, As Fast As, that never rocketed to the top of the charts, but maybe should have. So, for his solo project he wanted to showcase his own power pop abilities and managed to do a bang up job. Elements of
Weezer and Fountains Of Wayne can be heard throughout the entire album, with Zach adding his own twist and flavor to the traditional power pop sound. "3,000 Miles" and "Round & Round" are two songs that are sure to help Zach break out of the unknown sector and become a force of the independent power pop genre. Zach Jones has proven that he can go it alone and be the
frontman and rock just as hard as when he's with his
bandmates in As Fast As.